Cold trap is a small-sized ultra lowtemperature cryogenic equipment,suitable for Parylene vacuum coated
Utilize compressor refrigeration to makethe temperature in the pot chamber drop below -95℃, ( thistemperaturecan be adjusted according to the actual application). Under low temperaturecondition, when the gas passes through the pot chamber, partial highcondensation point compositions will be turned into liquid or even solid andstored in the pot chamber, the low condensation point compositions will continueto flow through the pipelines, so as to achieve the purpose of gas compositionseparation.
In vacuum applications, a cold trap is adevice that condenses all vapors except the permanent gases into a liquid orsolid. The most common objective is to prevent vapors being evacuated from anexperiment from entering a vacuum pump where they would condense andcontaminate it. Particularly large cold traps are necessary when removing largeamounts of liquid as in freeze drying.
Pumps that use oil either as their workingfluid (diffusion pumps), or as their lubricant (mechanical rotary pumps), areoften the sources of contamination in vacuum systems. Placing a cold trap atthe mouth of such a pump greatly lowers the risk that oil vapors will backstream into the cavity.
Care should be taken when using a cold trapnot to condense liquid oxygen (a light blue liquid) into the cold trap. Liquidoxygen is potentially explosive, and this is especially true if the trap hasbeen used to trap solvent. Liquid oxygen can be condensed into a cold trap if apump has sucked air through the trap when the trap is very cold.
1. No dry ice or liquid nitrogen needed
2. All steel housing for durability
3. Small footprint
4. Plug and play, no assembly required
5. Accessories Available